WarPigs Lazurite American IPA (6.8% ABV) Pour: 12oz can into a snifter. Appearance: Pours a slightly hazy medium-gold color with a healthy amount of thick, persistent off-white head. Nice edging, plenty of lacing. Aroma: Subtly sweet and fruity – candied [...]
Quaff ON! Common Necessity Hazelnut Coffee Milk Stout (5% ABV) Pour: 12oz bottle into a snifter Appearance: Dark. Like, inky dark. Not sure whether it’s a deep brown or black because it’s totally opaque when held up to direct light. Pours with about half [...]
Taxman Exemption Belgian-Style Tripel Ale Brewed With Spices (8.5% ABV) Pour: 12 oz can into a snifter Appearance: Pours a medium-gold color with about an inch of fizzy head that dissipates pretty quickly. Very little edging, no lacing at all. Aroma: [...]
Salt Creek Brewery Out of Order Session IPA (4.9% ABV) Pour: Pint can into a snifter Appearance: Pours a cloudy gold/copper with a healthy amount of fizzy, persistent off-white head. Good edging, a bit of lacing Aroma: An interesting mix of malty, [...]
Black Circle Brewing Co. Devil’s Fanny Pack Double IPA (8.3% ABV) Pour: On draft, poured into a snifter Appearance: Medium gold with a thin white head that dissipates quickly. Good edging, no real lacing Aroma: Not much in the nose, especially for a [...]
18th Street Brewery Temporal Purgatory American Pale Ale (5.9% ABV) Pour: 12oz can into a snifter Appearance: Pours a deep reddish-gold with about an inch of fizzy, off-white head that persists. Good edging and lacing. Slightly cloudy when held up to [...]
Deer Creek Brewery Deerfly American IPA (6.8% ABV) Pour: 16oz can into a snifter Appearance: Pours a lovely dark reddish-gold with about two inches of thick, fizzy head that persists. Good edging and lots of lacing. Aroma: A lot of herbal notes in the [...]
Heavenly Goat Brewing Co. Salute Your Schwarz Schwarzbier (5.0% ABV) Pour: 32 oz. crowler into a pint glass Appearance: Pours a medium black that turn reddish when held up to direct light. A healthy amount of thick, tan head that persists. Very little [...]